Hi my name is Emily, I'm a millennial, and I like to use hashtags. Not your cup of tea? That's ok. This post is not about justifying the use of hashtags. There's probably someone way smarter than me that can walk you through the science of media trends. I just want to tell you about this particular one: #mapsontheroad
In case you haven't read anything on this site or don't know me at all, I've been road tripping since March 18 and my business, if you can even call it that, is Maps Management and Consulting hence #maps...ontheroad. ANYWAY, as I've traveled to 12 different states so far, I am realizing a second meaning to the title of this season. My whole thing with MapsMC is about providing maps to visionaries, missionaries, and dreamers taking the lofty and ideal and making it concrete and real. I help people discover and draw the "map" to where they want to be. This trip I am on, however, is doing this for me. While on the road, I am discovering my own maps. With each place I visit, God is drawing out sections and revealing interchanges. He is placing people, beauty, moments, connections, ideas, encouragement, guidance, and everything I need on the road in his perfect timing. All I've had to do was keep driving. Ultimately, the destination is Heaven. That's literally all I want. Doesn't mean I don't get distracted by the world unable to see past earthly goals which aren't bad, but if your earthly goals aren't just a means to Heaven, then what's the purpose? Take for example: Vocation. I can easily get caught up in wishing I was living my Vocation whatever is might be: marriage or religious life. I can obsess and wallow over the fact that I'm 28 and not married or getting close to the age that many religious orders don't accept you. Vocation is good and our unique path to holiness, but it is not holiness in itself. It is not our destiny. Christ is our destiny! I should be seeking Christ, not necessarily my Vocation. (Shout out to Mary Caprio for preaching this heart piercing truth at a YCP Houston Panel last year) I also remember being told as a sophomore in high school that is you just keep running towards Christ, you will eventually look beside you and be standing next to your Vocation. All that being said, maybe take a moment to reflect on the map God is revealing to you along your way. See the connections, serendipity, and gift of your life giving thanks for His gentle hand and constant presence.